How an Optos machine views the eyeball

Retinal Imaging with the Optos Machine

At Dolphins Optometrists, we are dedicated to providing a professional and comprehensive service to our clients. From eye examinations and retinal imaging, to stylish sunglasses, we can provide an array of services for our clients.

To learn more about our services, explore our website or contact us today on 01444 454808. Our friendly team will be happy to discuss your needs with you and find the best solution for your eyes!

One of our key services is retinal imaging. We utilise the latest technology, including the Optos, to provide in depth and clear images to help us assess your eye health.

How an Optos machine views the eyeball


The retina is the light sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. It converts light into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain, where they are interpreted as images. Our retinas are very delicate and can be easily damaged.

Retinal imaging is a non-invasive test that takes pictures of the retina. This can be used to detect and monitor a number of retinal conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal detachment, and diabetic retinopathy. Retinal imaging is a painless. It’s a non-invasive test that allows us to take a detailed look at the retina. Therefore, it helps us to detect problems early, before they cause any symptoms.


Retinal imaging is important because it can help us to:

  • Detect retinal conditions early
  • Monitor retinal conditions
  • Plan treatment for retinal conditions

It is important to monitor your retinas and identify any damage as early as possible. Therefore, by mapping your retinas, we can detect retinal conditions early and plan appropriate treatment.


At Dolphins Optometrists, we are proud to use the Optos optomap as part of our retinal imaging service. The Optos optomap is a cutting-edge piece of technology, allowing us to take high-quality images of the retina. This helps us to provide you with the best possible care and treatment for your retinas.

The Optos Optomap machine is a cutting-edge piece of technology that allows us to take high quality images of the retina. It uses a special ultra-widefield camera, which takes pictures of a larger area. Therefore providing a larger, clearer image.

The Optos machine uses ultra-widefield (UWF) technology to take pictures of the retina. UWF retinal images provide up to 200 times more coverage than traditional retinal images. This allows us to see more of the retina, including the peripheral retina. This is often not possible with traditional retinal cameras.


The Optos Optomap takes pictures of your retina using UWF retinal imaging. This is a painless, non-invasive test that only takes a few minutes. The Optos machine will take multiple pictures of your retina and these will be.

With traditional, small-field, and even widefield retinal imaging, only 10-100⁰ of the retina can be captured in a single image. However, the Optos optomap machine is the only retinal imaging machine that can capture a true, clinically validated, ultra-widefield image of up to 200⁰ of the retina in a single capture. Furthermore, With optomap auto-montage, up to 97% or 220⁰ of the retina can be imaged with the multi-capture, montaging functionality. Therefore, it isthe best possible machine for capturing retinal images. Hence, it supports us in providing you with the best possible care.

This is an incredible increase of 50% over the next closest imaging device, making it the most powerful retinal imaging machine on the market today.

Optos technology incorporates low-powered laser wavelengths that scan simultaneously. This allows review of the retinal substructures in their individual laser separations. This means that we can see more detail and get a more accurate picture of the retina. We believe that this is important for diagnosing and treating many retinal conditions as we can get a succinct and comprehensive image of our clients’ retinas.


At Dolphins Optometrists, we embrace technology when undertaking retinal imaging. This is epitomised by our utilisation of the Optos Optomap machines, which produce high-resolution, 80 megapixel images that can be stored in our patients’ files for future reference

Not only does this provide our patients with state-of-the-art retinal imaging, but it also allows us to pick up on retinal changes sooner. This means that we can provide you with the best possible care, and ensure that you maintain healthy vision for years to come.

How Technology Helps with Retinal Imaging

The Optos machine is just one example of how we utilise technology to improve our retinal imaging service. We also use advanced digital retinal cameras, which produce high-quality images that can be stored on our computer system and easily accessed by our team. These images are incredibly clear and detailed, providing us with a comprehensive view of the retina.

Digital retinal cameras also allow us to take multiple images in quick succession, which is extremely useful when trying to track retinal changes over time. This means that we can pick up on any problems early and provide you with the treatment and care that you need.

At Dolphins Optometrists, we are proud to offer our patients the very best in retinal imaging technology. This allows us to provide you with the highest level of care, and ensure that you maintain healthy vision for years to come.

Furthermore, by embracing technology at our practice, particularly when undertaking retinal imaging, it is now easier to work and communicate with other healthcare professionals about your eyesight, should you need to see a specialist. This only enhances the degree of care we can provide and thus ensure that our clients’ eye health is as strong possible.


Aside from retinal imaging, we utilise technology in many other ways at Dolphins Optometrists. For example, we utilise technology in all of our eye tests, ensuring that our diagnosis is as accurate as possible. Moreover, this ensures that we can provide you with the correct prescription and then find contacts, glasses and sunglasses that not only work great, but look great too!

We also embrace technology at our TEAR clinic. Technology is an important aspect of identifying tears in our clients’ eyes and accurately providing a solution to overcome

Additionally, we use an online booking system so that you can easily book appointments at a time that suits you. We also offer online ordering for your convenience. Furthermore, our practice is fully computerised, which means that we can quickly and easily access your medical records. This allows us to provide you with the best possible care, as we always have a complete picture of your eye health.


At Dolphins Optometrists, we are proud to offer our patients the very best in retinal imaging and a variety of services. This allows us to provide you with the highest level of care, and ensure that you maintain healthy vision for years to come. If you would like to learn more about our great services, or schedule an appointment, contact us on 01444 454808 or We would be more than happy to discuss your needs with you and find a solution to help you and your eyes!

Article: Phoenix Marketing